Last year I was walking through a night market in Thailand with a local friend, when we came across a booth where an alleged doctor was offering to remove moles for people for just a few dollars per mole. A display board of mole removal before and after photos stood at the front of the booth, and the results looked quite compelling. My friend wanted to get a mole from the back of her upper arm removed – apparently those are bad luck in Thai culture – so she went inside the tent to talk to the doctor.
I was intrigued by this. I have always had a strong dislike for imperfection. I followed her in.
The whole process was over within 30 seconds. The doctor wiped some sort of liquid on my friend’s mole, and appeared to scrape at it. Perhaps to remove some sort of protective layer over it and allow the next solution to penetrate into the blemish. She then pressed and held the second solution onto the spot for a few seconds, using a small stick. My friend said it stung a little bit.
The mole immediately looked red and inflamed, but then it was forgotten about. Within a week however, the mole had turned brown, dried up and fallen off.
I couldn’t believe it. If mole removal is this simple why don’t more people know about it? If people with large, unsightly moles on their faces or other areas of their bodies knew about this, I’m sure they would be ecstatic. I asked my friend if she knew what was in the solution. She didn’t, but said that it wasn’t uncommon for people to remove moles in this manner and it is possible to buy a herbal liquid online that did the same thing.
This is how I found out about Mole Erase, which is for sale on both Shoppee and Lazada online marketplaces in Thailand. I bought some to experiment with, genuinely intrigued by the fact that mole removal with just a cream could be so fast and effective. The box cost me under US$10 to buy and have delivered. It came with a small vial of mole removal cream, and instruction booklet, a few cotton tips and a toothpick for mixing the herbal solution.
Using Mole Erase
The mole removal cream is white and viscous, it’s definitely not the same stuff that the doctor used on my friend’s arm, but it works just as well. I feel like it’s important I mention here that I am not in any way profiting from the sale or Mole Erase, nor is it my company. I’m just giving this information out because it’s a very cheap way to help a lot of people feel more confident about themselves. After mixing the herbal solution with the toothpick, you use the cotton tips to put a small wad of it over the mole you want to get rid of. The cream needs to cover the mole completely. You simply leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
You’ll notice that the mole will be red and inflamed after you wash off the solution. For some larger or more stubborn moles you might need to apply the cream a second time. Once this is done you just forget about it and within a week the top layer of the mole (and hopefully the whole thing) will go brown, dry up, and peel off. If remnants of the mole remain you can repeat the process until it had all gone completely.

Once I had confirmed this cream actually did work and I could completely naturally remove moles from the comfort of my own home, I went a bit OCD and started removing all that I could find. The solution works for freckle removal too, but not as well as a hydrogen peroxide solution. It does not work on seborrheic keratosis or age spots (liver spots) however since my discovery of Mole Erase I have found another way to get rid of these as well. It does not work on cherry angiomas.
I wish I took more photos while I was experimenting with this mole removal cream, because now – over 6 months later, it’s hard for me to even find a spot where one used to be. The above image shows where one used to be on my upper arm, now you can only notice the mild scarring because it’s zoomed right in.