Near Infra-Red Light Therapy for Vision Repair

I still have 20/20 vision, even in my 40s. I never really thought about why until recently. As part of some of my medical research I have been testing the use of near infra red LED lights for healing, and it got me thinking about why this specific frequency works, and why my eyesight is still better than everyone else in my family and almost all of my friends who are anywhere near close to my age.

I watched the documentary called ‘Eat the Sun’ for the second time – after over 10 years since I first watched it, curious to relearn and remember more about the healing frequency the sun emits – around 670nm. This just happens to be the same frequency that the red “healing” lights emit. The documentary reminded me of the times in my late 20s, when I would run up the mountain near my home and stare directly at the sun as it would come up or go down.

This process is called Solar Gazing, and it was something I used to do fairly often. Sometimes, I would be running late – as I have a tendency to do – and I would just ride my motorbike or drive up the mountain to stare at the sun before it got too late. I don’t remember how I fell into the practice, but now that I look back on it, I 100% believe this is the reason why my vision has not deteriorated over time.

I started to research online how and why this specific frequency of light is so effective, and even read a few books on the topic. One that I found extremely informative is called Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine by Mark Sloan. It contains quotes and testimonials from a number of doctors, and cites evidence and proof that red light therapy can help everything from excess belly fat, to low testosterone, to cancer.

I had already started testing on some friends and colleagues using a small 670nm LED laser light to eyesight healing before I finished reading the book. Almost everyone who used the therapy using a very inexpensive LED light we purchased in bulk from China noticed an improvement in their vision within just a week of use, looking into the light for just 10-20 minutes a day.

By the time I finished reading the book in entirety, I was even further convinced of the power of these lights and I had started to expand the group of test subjects who were using the lights to improve their eyesight. As I write this, it’s been almost 6 months since I’ve started learning about the healing technique. So far we haven’t been able to get anyone to 20/20 vision as some people mentioned in Mark’s book above have done, but we’re not far off. One of my first test subjects has improved her vision from -4.5 to -1.5, and she’s only been using the light intermittently.

It seems like almost everyone who uses this therapy gets fatigued with having to do the process every day for 10 minutes every morning and 10 minutes every evening (which is what we currently recommend), or even half that, and many people notice improvements but then become to lazy to continue with the process. As I have never had to wear glasses or contacts, I can’t really imagine the annoyance, but I would assume it would be enough motivation for me to stick with it daily until my eyes were 100%, but for many this does not seem to be the case.

That said, I continue to push everyone around me who has begun treatment to stick with it, and I am hopeful that within the next few months the above test subject (who can now read and drive without glasses – something she definitely could not do before) will test her vision to be back to 20/20.

If you are interested in testing red light therapy on your own eyes, you can order a light inexpensively from China for around $15-$20, or if you are in Thailand feel free to get in touch and I can get one to you immediately.

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